Filip Verneert Enrique Simon Quartet


27. Nov. 2021



Filip Verneert & Enrique Simon Quartet***fällt aus!

Filip Verneert Enrique Simon Quartet“The Belgian guitarist Filip Verneert and the Spanish pianist Enrique Simón are soulmates. Piano and guitar combined in a virtuoso musical conversation which at the same time is melodic, engaging and surprising together with roots in jazz and classical music. A unique atmosphere is created through the performance of their own compositions. Melodic, harmonious and therefore comprehensive for every listener. Double bass player Gil Lachenal and drummer Pedro Vazquez Martinez are the ideal rhythm section and play sophisticated and tasteful.

Filip Verneert & Enrique Simon met in 2015 in Torrevieja, Spain, in a jam. Immediately after this jam, they decided to work together on a project that became very quickly a long term project playing own compositions and sharing them with the audience.

In 2016 Filip and Enrique presented their First album, Meeting Patricia, which they recorded induo. They were booked for several concerts, also on the Gent Jazz Festival. Later that summer they were asked to play on other jazzfestivals and Filip and Enrique decided to start a quartet.

Nearly two years ago the French double bassplayer Gil Lachenal and Spanish drummer Pedro Vazquez joined the band.

The Filip Verneert & Enrique Simon Quartet has been playing a lot of concerts now, in several countries such as Belgium, Spain, France, Switserland, Scotland, Germany and Holland. And this as well in very well known jazzclubs (recently the famous Sounds Jazz Club in Brussels), theatres and festivals such as Jazz in ’t Park Gent, and lately the Zeeland Jazz Festival in Middelburg Holland.


Filip Verneert – Guitar
Enrique Simón – Piano
Gil Lachenal – Double Bass
Pedro Vazquez Martinez – Drums


Veranstalter: Jazzclub Alluvium e.V.