Richard Shindell


26. Nov. 2019



Richard Shindell (USA) –
A Master Builder Of Songs –
A Jewel!

Ein Singers & Players Herzenskandidat

Richard ShindellNach dem großartigen Konzert im Jahr 2016 kommt Richard Shindell zum 2. Male ins Wilhelm13. Der Amerikaner ist ohne Frage einer der besten und wichtigsten Songwriter unserer Zeit. 12 CDs, die alle von der Fachpresse gefeiert wurden. Eine Stimme, die vom ersten Ton an unter die Haut kriecht; integer, charismatisch, unterstützt von außerordentlich facettenreich gespielter Gitarre. Ein Singers & Players Herzenskandidat. Bitte YouTuben!

Occasionally an artist has a night that makes even skeptics think, „O.K., maybe he is the best.“ Richard Shindell achieved this on Thursday at New York´s Bottom Line. The essentials all fell into place – his set list highlighted only strengths, his voice never wavered and his band flawlessly accentuated his songs. Like two other „best“ singer-songwriters, Bruce Springsteen and Lucinda Williams, he dwells on big, often difficult moments in the lives of ordinary people. By staying with them even as he flies into metaphor, he maintains equanimity. Mr. Shindell demonstrates an invaluable gift as a songwriter: a genuine absence of ego. His most idyllic lyrics do not feel forced because he tempers their poeticism with a conversational tone.“ (New York Times)

Mehr Videos:

Are You Happy Now?
Mercy Street / Peter Gabriel Cover
Northbound 35
On A Sea Of Fleur-De-Lis
By Now
State Of The Union
Sparrows Point
One Man´s Arkansas
Live At Kalamazoo Public Library (part 6)
You Stay Here


Shindell is a master builder of songs, yet always leading listeners toward the emotional essence of the moment or character he is evoking. As with all master craftsmen, knowing what to leave out is as important to him as what he puts in. Shindell has uncanny sense of the theater of a song, building his ballads sparely and subtly, set to sweeping graceful melodies. (The Boston Globe)

A tour-de-force of brilliantly crafted songs, passionately delivered songs that consistently create three-dimensional visual and emotional images which move through the listener’s mind’s eye. His lyrics are carefully distilled essences of dramatic circumstances and personal dilemmas mated with melodic lines that allow the words to stretch and breathe. Shindell’s rich voice is reminiscent of REM’s Michael Stipe in the way he holds and emphasizes the ends of words, but you’ll quickly realize you’re in the presence of an original who can draw you in and punch your lights out with the turn of a phrase. (Stereo Review)

Richard Shindell works impressive alchemy with the plainest, most primal American pop melodies. Stark and unsentimental, Shindell’s songs unfold with the unadorned grandeur of hymns… the music glows, and when the words illuminate complexly shaded situations – an unspecifically troubled family man waiting alone in his house for an oncoming monster storm, for example – the effect can be shattering. (Los Angeles Weekly)

Weitere Informationen: www.richardshindell.com

Eintritt: VVK 20.00/erm. 15.00 – AK 22.00/erm. 17.00 – Bitte reservieren Sie Ihre Karten online oder telefonisch 0441-691634 oder per Mail: info@singersplayersclub.de

Veranstalter: Singers & Players im Kulturclub Oldenburg e.V.