Willy Porter (USA) – Songwriter-Guitarist deluxe
“Willy plays rhythms that make me want to crawl inside his guitar and stay there forever.“ (Tori Amos)
Peter Gabriels „Digging In The Dirt“ pulsiert mit druckvollem Bass und aufblitzenden Harmonien auf der akustischen Gitarre, elektrisierend lässig legt sich Willy Porters Stimme darüber. Der Songwriter teilte die Bühne bereits mit Musikikonen wie Sting, Tori Amos, Paul Simon, Jethro Tull und Jeff Beck. Seit Jahren begeistert er mit faszinierendem Gitarrenspiel, das mit seinem fesselnden Gesang zu einer magischen Einheit verschmilzt. Sein Songwriter-Rock´n Soul-Mix reicht von funky bis balladesk und sprengt musikalische Genregrenzen. Bislang veröffentlichte der Amerikaner 11 Alben.
Mehr Videos:
This Train
Iowa Sky
Front Porch House Concert 2007
Paper Airplane
Flying / Guild Guitar Demo
Digging In The Dirt / Peter Gabriel Cover
“If you need another flat-top guitar hero, look no further than Willy Porter, a blindingly fleet and maddeningly nimble player. If you’re trying to get the hang of fingerstyle picking, you’ll either curse the dude or forsake all and follow him.” – Riverfront Times
“Willy Porter is perhaps best known as a down tuned six string wonder, but as a singer and a writer, and as a showman, he merits equal regard.“ — Puremusic.com
“Thank goodness he doesn’t play the flute.“ — Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull
“Willy plays rhythms that make me want to crawl inside his guitar and stay there forever.“ — Tori Amos
“Willy Porter can captivate an audience as completely as can an entire rock band.“ — Washington Times
“… A master of the acoustic instrument.“ — CMJ New Music Report
“If you have never heard of this guy before, you are in for the musical discovery for a lifetime…” and “… he can still play guitar perhaps greater than anyone else on the planet.“ — Listen To This
“With his exquisite, tranquil guitar work, Willy Porter could easily astonish an audience without singing one note. His ability to engage the audience with his personality and intellect raises Porter from the level of guitar wonk into the realm of masterful performer.“ — Earvolution
Mehr Infos:
Eintritt: VVK 20.00/erm. 15.00 – AK 22.00/erm. 17.00 – Bitte reservieren Sie Ihre Karten online oder telefonisch 0441-691634 oder per Mail: info@singersplayersclub.de
Veranstalter: Singers & Players im Kulturclub Oldenburg e.V.